Prominent community leaders in California are coming together to demand that corporate interests looking to avoid paying their fair share stop sowing division in Black communities and communities of color.
Author: Yongho Kim 김용호
부산에서 태어나 선교사 부모를 따라 칠레에서 11년 동안 초·중·고를 다니고 현재는 로스앤젤레스 소재 이민자 권익 단체인 <민족학교>에서 데이터베이스 구축을 맡고 있다. 한인들의 타 소수민족에 대한 인종차별, 유권자 데이터베이스 기술, 미국 선거 캠페인의 현장 부문(Field)을 다루는 것과 영어권 인터넷 사용자들에게 한국의 진보정치를 소개하는 것에 관심을 가지고 있다. NewsB 에 기고하는 글은 민족학교의 입장과는 관계 없다.
October 6, 2020
Prominent community leaders in California are coming together to demand that corporate interests looking to avoid paying their fair share stop sowing division in Black communities and communities of color.
No on Prop 15’s claims on Solar Projects is False
October 1, 2020
Would Prop 15 really impose “massive property tax increases” on solar projects and drive up electricity costs? Tax and solar industry experts don’t think so. – PolitFact
For average commercial properties, reassessments do not increase rents. Reassessing a 20-year-old office building to current market value could lead to a one-time rent increase of roughly 2%. – Beacon Economics
CA NAACP aids corporate prop campaigns
Alice Huffman, who is both a professional campaign consultant and long-time NAACP leader, was especially sought after this year as political campaigns respond to the national reckoning over race. – CalMatters
LA Times: Yes on Prop 15
By creating a “split-roll” system that taxes commercial and industrial property differently from homes, it would transfer as much as $11.5 billion annually from businesses to local governments and schools.
PPIC Poll: California
51% of likely voters would vote yes on Prop 15 and 40% would vote no.
The biggest beneficiaries of Proposition 13 at the expense of communities of color have undoubtedly been corporations and wealthy investors. – AAPIFORCE EF
Political action committees have funneled $1.1 million into the Irvine mayoral and City Council races as of Tuesday, according to a Register analysis, dwarfing campaign contributions candidates are raising and spending on their own. (OC Register)